Image Description: A photograph shows a nude light skinned person lying on white bed sheets. Sunlight shines across their body from their left side and the top of the image. Shot from above, their navel is directly in the center of the square dimensions. Their arms are raised out of the frame, and they are cropped from just below their neck to their thighs. On left of the image their flat chest shows top surgery scars and on the right side a round burl wood cap covers their crotch. Four pieces of burl wood seem to protrude from underneath the person by the sides of their chest and hips. The burl wood along the person's left side on the top of the image is more rounded and the piece by their hip sinks into the bed creating ripples in the sheets. The burl wood along the bottom of the image are cut as clean slices with a rounded ridge of spikes. The person's belly is covered with wispy body hair and the curve of their waist aligned horizontally in the image appears like both a landscape and tree trunk. A closer look reveals stretch marks on the side of their left thigh and a small tattoo above their left hip that reads "T4T".