A light skinned hand with a forearm tattooed with an abstract curvy form reaches out from the right of the image to grab a bag hung on a white wall. The bag is a large saggy tote bag made of fuzzy dark green fabric and you can see a hint of the shiny gold
Sensory Bag (green and gold)
Plush and Satin Polyester Fabrics, Painted Utility Hooks, Ear Defenders, Sun Glasses, Hand Sanitizer, Rocks, Chamomile, and Various Stim Toys
20” x 8” x 36”

Image Description: A light skinned hand with a forearm tattooed with an abstract curvy form reaches out from the right of the image to grab a bag hung on a white wall. The bag is a large saggy tote bag made of fuzzy dark green fabric and you can see a hint of the shiny gold lining. On the front the words “sensory bag” are embroidered in gold. The bag is hung by two large utility hooks. The bottom of the hooks are painted in green and the top part that is flush against the wall is painted gold.

Photography: Francisco echo Eraso