A close of up white sweat stained pillowcase. In the center of the fabric is text stitched in black thread. It reads: (first line) Pl3ase be d.i.s.c.r.e.e.t (second line) c@refu11y dis.gui.sing (third line) @ny m3dicat!on w0rdz
ISO: (detail)
Used Pillowcase, Thread and Found Text
36.75” x 30”

Image Description: A close of up white sweat stained pillowcase. In the center of the fabric is text stitched in black thread. It reads: (first line) Pl3ase be d.i.s.c.r.e.e.t (second line) c@refu11y dis.gui.sing (third line) @ny m3dicat!on w0rdz