A square throw pillow sits upright on a white shelf against a gallery wall seen from a 3/4ths view. The pillow is off-white with marks from use. Wrapped around the entirety of the seams are unraveled and pleated joint filters sewn into the pillow. They are a range of shades, white, tan and different browns, and resemble a decorative ruffle.
Used Joint Filters and Pillow
21" x 20" x 5.5"

Installation view in Crip Ecologies: Vulnerable Bodies in a Toxic Landscape at the Art Windsor-Essex (2022, Windsor, Ontario, Canada)

Image Description: A square throw pillow sits upright on a white shelf against a gallery wall seen from a 3/4ths view. The pillow is off-white with marks from use. Wrapped around the entirety of the seams are unraveled and pleated joint filters sewn into the pillow. They are a range of shades, white, tan and different browns, and resemble a decorative ruffle.

Image Courtesy of Frank Piccolo